I'm feeling a bit lost in space on del-icio-us. I must be missing the point here because I can't make sense of this one. I thought it looked pretty straight forward after watching the video clip, and feel I understand the principles of it - but this is where I seem to hit the proverbial brick wall. And no amount of howling at the moon has so far managed to lift the fog. Like RSS, it's something I will come back to but for my own sanity tonight, I will take a break here and maybe when I come back with fresh eyes next time, the light will be a warm glow. It's almost like the more you think you finally understand - the less you actually seem to know, if that makes any kind of sense. I feel a bit dim as others embarking on this exercise appear to be really enthusiastic about del-icio-us, but each to his own oar is how I justify this. Time to trot back to my wolves, and park this exploration for a brighter day.
Howlin At The Moon, Tonight by Mr. Ed
Tonight, will be a very special one for me
It’s the night of the ‘Sturgeon Full Moon’
It is also National Homeless Animals Day
And tonight, we’ll be howlin a birthday tune
Ancient Native Americans of the Great Lakes
Named this Full Moon – the Sturgeon’s Moon
Since by the light of this moon, they would hunt
The Nahma,¯ while listenin to the cry of the loon
Today is also ‘National Homeless Animals Day’
I’ve found a few of my critters, on this very night
I was bitten by an ancient werewife, many moons ago
But homeless dogs and cats, bring me back to the light
And, it’s Pee Wee Wolfman’s Very Ancient Birthday, Today
I’ll be out on the lake, in the moonlight, slurpin down some brew
The fish, and loons, and wolves, and other critters, always join me
But if you’re a normal human being, I’d be stayin home, if I were you
¯Nahma – The Ojibwa Word for Sturgeon,
The Monster Fish of the Great Lakes.