because there's something in the air
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here,
and you know it's right
And you know that it's right
We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now
(John 'Speedy' Keen) from the album Hollywood Dream by Thunderclap Newman, 1970
Well, I think I can understand why "podcast" was chosen as the 2005 word of the year. Not quite a revolution, but Podcasting seems like the next step beyond radio - and you can customize it so much better to your own particular foibles than just switching the dial. I can't wait to get my "reward" of an MP3 player once I complete these exercises, so I can put it to work searching out some podcasts that I'd like to listen to at my leisure. That will be yet another experience figuring out how to master the loading involved in that process, no doubt - hopefully not too difficult?? Will my brain be able to handle all this techno-overload? I looked at a couple of the podcast directories, and chose the subject areas relating to animals/wildlife/environment. I was very pleased to come across a podcast of a presentation given by Douglas Smith, the Yellowstone Wolf Project Leader, in 2005, talking about the first 10 years of the project, and what the future might hold. It was a long presentation, and was broken into 2 streams, so I definitely want to come back to this. I revisited my bloglines account, but it still doesn't make much sense to me, I'm afraid. I must figure out how to add an RSS feed from The Greater Yellowstone Coalition Press Room, where I came across this gem, to my account there - it surely can't be as difficult as I appear to be making it! I will persevere and/or seek the guidance of one of our ever-so-patient tutors on that task - obviously I still have a major block regarding RSS. Thank goodness you can usually also subscribe to receive email updates - I have no problem with signing up to those and reading them! I will come back some time and look for some library related podcasts, as well - looking forward to hearing what other libraries around this big wide world are getting up to.
Try subscribing as follows:
- click on the link in your blog post,
- click on Press room,
- click on listen online,
- copy the URL,
- open your Bloglines account,
- click on add,
- paste the URL in the text box and click on subscribe.
I had a look at the poscasts. They are all dated 2006. You might want to do a search for later podcasts. Here is a link to video podcasts on gray wolves.
Thank you nsl learning 2.0 team - worked a treat. Easy once you know how.
I've just discovered your blog and am very sorry not to have done so sooner. I've just had time to have a quick look at this one before going to work and am delighted by it. A quick look at the previous one has also impressed me so I will be back to enjoy all the others. Keep learnin' an' bloggin' - no knowing where it will all end or begin for that matter.
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