I haven't found this exercise particularly easy, and personally RSS is probably not the way I would choose to have my information presented to me. Call me archaic, but I like traditional media to get my news and information. C'mon people - there's nothing quite like the smell of coffee wafting through the air as you sip a leisurely flat white while turning a page perusing the "Green Pages" or Metro sections of The Granny Herald, with the scrunch of newsprint in your ears and the slip of ink on your fingertips. What more could you want? So while it is truly fabulous to be able to receive feeds from recognised media organisations like BBC, CNN - not to mention keeping up with Major League baseball results from the USA as they happen - it's already a struggle to keep up with everything I'd like to read, without adding even more sources to information avalanche.
Snow worries? Turn on the heater.
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