Thursday, August 28, 2008
Web crawling the Technorati blogosphere

Monday, August 25, 2008
Howling at the (del.icio.us) moon

It’s the night of the ‘Sturgeon Full Moon’
It is also National Homeless Animals Day
And tonight, we’ll be howlin a birthday tune
Named this Full Moon – the Sturgeon’s Moon
Since by the light of this moon, they would hunt
The Nahma,¯ while listenin to the cry of the loon
I’ve found a few of my critters, on this very night
But homeless dogs and cats, bring me back to the light
I’ll be out on the lake, in the moonlight, slurpin down some brew
The fish, and loons, and wolves, and other critters, always join me
But if you’re a normal human being, I’d be stayin home, if I were you
The Monster Fish of the Great Lakes.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
RSS - Random Subjective Selectivity Sux

Friday, August 8, 2008
#6 - An Exercise in utter futility...
I thought I'd managed to figure out something clever involving exercise #5, but when it came to add said "cleverness" to my blog - it's disappeared somewhere into the ether! No doubt it's sitting forlornly waiting to be uploaded to it's intended place in the world, but for the time being it will have to remain 'parked' until I can gather the energy again to try and retrieve it from wherever it's hiding. There is sure some cool stuff out there, but you either need one of those god-like (?) Tutors sitting at your elbow to lead you down the path of "Right-way" - or you just cross your fingers and toes and hope like mad that when you hit that last "Enter/Go" key, it does GO. Sounds like I'm in desperate need of Auntyof3!
I may just change tack completely and get to grips with my new Sanyo digital camera. Not one to be beaten, I am looking forward to that exploration, although the 50-page manual is a bit of a daunting prospect. "Where to begin", I say?? However, just like my friend le loup/el lobo/il lupo - I will survive and come back even stronger!
Canis latrans (barker)
Wolf (1105a)
Gray wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995, when 14 individuals were relocated from Canada. Another 17 were added in 1996, and since then they have slowly but surely restored Nature's balance, increasing their own numbers and adjusting the imbalances that had been allowed to flourish in the absence of this top predator.
Thanks to photographer "Geyser Gary" for this lovely photo of a Yellowstone wolf. You can see more at http://www.flickr.com/photos/geysergary/
Monday, August 4, 2008
Flickring Wolves
I've found so many lovely images of wolves while trolling through flickr, it's tough deciding which/what/how/IF I'm able to use them. This may have to wait for another day for more extensive ogling - it can be frustratingly addictive because you feel like you're never finished! Currently, I am in awe of someone who has posted a heap of photos of - you guessed it - canis lupus on flickr. So many in fact I can't decide which one I like the best. Many of them were taken at a place called Wolf Park in Battle Ground, Indiana, which is somewhere new to me and yet another place I'm going to have to explore http://www.wolfpark.org/.
I'll save that for another day, and in the meantime you can view some of this photographer's amazing gallery for yourself http://www.flickr.com/photos/tberling/sets/72157603306380824/
I will keep a'huntin' and exploring - while trying to stay focused on the exercise. I'm constantly being reminded how much we now have such "easy" access to. However - I still have a few trusty books I constantly come back to on this subject, so will ponder on how I will share these...
In wildness is the preservation of the world ...
(Henry David Thoreau)